real estate

The Gen Z Effect: How the Next Generation is Shaping the Real Estate Market

1000 500 Taylor Witt

In the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate market, one demographic group stands out for its unique preferences, behaviors, and influences: Generation Z. Born roughly between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s, Gen Z is now entering adulthood and beginning to make significant waves in various industries, including real estate. As realtors, understanding and adapting to the preferences and needs of this generation is crucial for staying relevant and successful in the market.

  1. Tech-Savvy and Digitally Native

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, surrounded by smartphones, social media, and instant access to information. As a result, they are exceptionally tech-savvy and reliant on digital platforms for everything from communication to decision-making. For realtors, this means shifting focus towards online marketing, virtual tours, and easy-to-use mobile apps. Gen Z buyers are more likely to research properties online extensively before ever setting foot inside a home, and they expect seamless digital experiences throughout the buying process. That said, it’s important to remember that consumers and agents themselves value digital and data safety and privacy, as detailed in a new report from Checkr. So, keep this is mind as you elevate your digital strategy and data utilization.

  1. Urbanization and Accessibility

Contrary to previous generations, who often sought suburban homes for space and tranquility, many Gen Z individuals are gravitating towards urban centers. This preference is driven by factors such as convenience, access to amenities, and a desire for a more connected lifestyle. As realtors, understanding the appeal of urban living and being knowledgeable about city neighborhoods, public transportation options, and walkability scores is essential for effectively catering to Gen Z clients.

A young happy couple furnishing new house, a moving in new home concept.

  1. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Features

Gen Z is notably environmentally conscious and values sustainability in all aspects of life, including their housing choices. As such, eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and sustainable building materials are increasingly important considerations for this generation when purchasing a home. Realtors who can highlight these features and advocate for environmentally friendly properties stand to attract more Gen Z buyers.

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability

The traditional model of homeownership may not appeal to Gen Z as much as it did to previous generations. Many young adults in this demographic value flexibility and mobility, preferring to rent or live in multifamily dwellings rather than committing to a single-family home. Additionally, Gen Zers are exploring new locations as detailed in Checkr’s new report. As realtors, offering a range of housing options, including rentals, condos, and co-living spaces, can help meet the diverse needs of Gen Z clients.

a person sitting at a desk with a laptop and papers

  1. Inclusive and Diverse Communities

Diversity and inclusivity are core values for Gen Z, and they seek communities that reflect these principles. Realtors who prioritize showcasing diverse neighborhoods, cultural amenities, and inclusive spaces are likely to resonate with Gen Z buyers. Additionally, being culturally competent and understanding the unique needs of diverse populations can help realtors build trust and rapport with clients from this generation.

two women sitting beside table and talking

  1. Influence of Social Media and Peer Recommendations

Social media plays a significant role in the decision-making process of Gen Z individuals. They are more likely to trust peer recommendations and seek out authentic, user-generated content when researching products or services, including real estate. Realtors who leverage social media platforms to showcase properties, share client testimonials, and engage with their audience in meaningful ways can effectively capture the attention and interest of Gen Z buyers.

In conclusion, Gen Z is poised to have a profound impact on the real estate market, reshaping industry norms and preferences in the process. Realtors who adapt to the unique needs and preferences of this generation, embracing technology, sustainability, urbanization, inclusivity, and flexibility, stand to thrive in the evolving landscape of real estate. By understanding and catering to the values and priorities of Gen Z, realtors can build lasting relationships and position themselves for success in the years to come.

Celebrating Women’s Equality in the Real Estate Industry

1000 500 Taylor Witt

In recent years, the real estate industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation, marked by the increasing presence and influence of women professionals. Historically, real estate has been perceived as a male-dominated field, but today, women are making significant strides, breaking barriers, and reshaping the landscape of the industry. As we celebrate women’s equality, it’s crucial to acknowledge their invaluable contributions to this dynamic sector.

The journey towards gender equality in real estate has been characterized by persistence, resilience, and determination. Despite facing various challenges and stereotypes, women have continuously demonstrated their capabilities and expertise in every aspect of the industry. From residential brokerage to commercial development, women are making their mark and achieving remarkable success.


Opening the door. Real estate agent wearing jeans and grey coat opening the door to house showing it to client

One of the most notable aspects of women’s advancement in real estate is their increasing representation in leadership roles. More women are assuming positions of power and authority within real estate firms, serving as CEOs, managing directors, and board members. This shift in leadership dynamics not only reflects a commitment to diversity and inclusion but also brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the table.

Furthermore, women in real estate are actively leveraging networking opportunities and mentorship programs to foster professional growth and development. Initiatives such as women-focused real estate associations and mentorship circles provide invaluable support and guidance, enabling women to navigate challenges, overcome barriers, and advance their careers.

In addition to leadership and mentorship, women are also driving positive change through their commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. Many female real estate professionals are actively involved in philanthropic initiatives, supporting causes such as affordable housing, urban revitalization, and sustainable development. By championing these causes, women are not only making a difference in their communities but also redefining the role of real estate as a catalyst for positive social impact.

Another aspect worth celebrating is the increasing diversity of skill sets and expertise among women in real estate. Women bring a unique perspective to the table, drawing from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, including finance, law, architecture, and urban planning. This diversity of perspectives enriches decision-making processes, fosters creativity, and drives innovation within the industry.

Gender Pay Gap

three people around a laptop with stickers on it

Moreover, women’s equality in real estate is not just about representation; it’s also about closing the gender pay gap and ensuring equal opportunities for career advancement. While progress has been made in recent years, there is still work to be done to achieve full parity, as noted by a recent study by Checkr. Real estate companies and organizations must continue to prioritize gender equity initiatives, implement fair compensation practices, and promote policies that support work-life balance and professional development for women.

As we celebrate women’s equality in the real estate industry, it’s essential to recognize that diversity and inclusion are not just moral imperatives but also essential drivers of success and innovation. By embracing and empowering women, the real estate industry can unlock new opportunities, drive sustainable growth, and create a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, women’s equality in the real estate industry is a cause for celebration and reflection. From leadership and mentorship to social responsibility and diversity, women are making significant contributions to the growth and evolution of the industry. As we move forward, let us continue to champion gender equality, empower women, and create a more inclusive and vibrant real estate sector for generations to come.

The Top Cities for Women Real Estate Brokers to Thrive

1000 500 Taylor Witt

The world of real estate has evolved over the years, and women are making significant strides in this traditionally male-dominated industry. With determination, skills, and resilience, women real estate brokers are succeeding across the globe. In this article, we’ll explore the top cities where women real estate brokers can find opportunities, support, and success.

New York City: The Epicenter of Opportunity New York City is the ultimate destination for ambitious women real estate brokers. With a bustling market, a diverse clientele, and numerous career advancement opportunities, the Big Apple offers the perfect environment to thrive. The city’s real estate scene is continuously growing, and women are increasingly taking center stage in the industry.

San Francisco: A Tech Hub for Real Estate As a hub for technology and innovation, San Francisco presents numerous opportunities for women real estate brokers. The city’s booming tech industry drives the demand for residential and commercial properties. Women in San Francisco are not only keeping pace with industry changes but are also shaping its future.

lined of white-and-blue concrete buildings

Miami: The Sunshine State for Women Brokers Miami’s thriving real estate market is a magnet for women real estate brokers. With its warm climate, diverse clientele, and a growing luxury real estate sector, Miami provides a nurturing environment for women to excel in their careers.

Chicago: The Heart of the Midwest Market The Windy City is a great place for women real estate brokers looking to establish themselves in the industry. Chicago offers a mix of residential and commercial properties, and its diverse neighborhoods provide ample opportunities for career growth. Women brokers in Chicago have a strong network and support system to lean on.

white and brown city buildings during daytime

Los Angeles: Glitz and Glamour in Real Estate Los Angeles is a city known for its glamour and luxury real estate market, making it an attractive destination for women real estate brokers. From representing high-profile clients to working in upscale neighborhoods, women brokers in LA are breaking through barriers and achieving remarkable success.

Boston: Thriving in Education and Real Estate Boston’s dynamic real estate market is fueled by its numerous educational institutions and a diverse economy. Women real estate brokers in Boston are thriving in a competitive market, helping clients find homes and investment opportunities in this historic city.

body of water near cityscape at daytime

Seattle: Riding the Tech Wave Seattle, with its tech-driven economy and strong job market, is a city where women real estate brokers are flourishing. The city’s real estate market has experienced substantial growth, creating a myriad of opportunities for women brokers.

Austin: Real Estate Opportunities in the Lone Star State The Lone Star State has been a focal point for real estate professionals, including women brokers. Austin, with its affordable cost of living and a booming job market, is a city that presents exciting opportunities for women to grow in the real estate industry and also ranks as one of the top cities for women in the workforce in any industry, according to Checkr.

people sitting on green grass field near city buildings during daytime

Denver: High Demand and Quality of Life Denver’s real estate market is red-hot, and women real estate brokers are making a mark. With an emphasis on quality of life and a diverse range of properties, Denver offers a supportive environment for women to excel in their real estate careers.

Atlanta: A Hub for Growing Communities Atlanta is a city with a booming real estate market and a rapidly expanding population. Women real estate brokers in Atlanta are active participants in the city’s growth, helping clients find their dream homes in vibrant, emerging neighborhoods.

body of water near trees and buildings during daytime

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, women are carving their paths to success, and these top cities are the epicenters of opportunity. From New York to San Francisco, Miami to Chicago, and Los Angeles to Boston, women real estate brokers are thriving, breaking through barriers, and making a significant impact in their communities. As the real estate industry continues to evolve, these cities will remain as beacons of opportunity for women who are determined to succeed in this dynamic field. The future is bright for women real estate brokers, and these cities are where their dreams become reality.

Selling Real Estate in Vacation Cities: The Allure of Waterside Properties

1000 500 Taylor Witt

Real estate in vacation cities offers a unique and exciting investment opportunity for both buyers and sellers. While there are various factors that make these properties desirable, one element that stands out is the proximity to water, especially when it comes to boating.

In this article, we will explore the appeal of waterside properties in vacation cities and how boating can play a significant role in the buying and selling process.

The Allure of Waterside Properties

bird's eye view on buildings

Waterside properties, whether along the ocean, a lake, or a river, hold a special charm that sets them apart from regular real estate. Vacationers and investors are drawn to these properties for several reasons:

  1. Scenic Beauty: Waterside properties offer breathtaking views and a sense of tranquility that is hard to match. Waking up to the gentle sounds of lapping waves or the sight of a serene lake can be a daily reality for those who invest in these homes.
  2. Recreation: Proximity to water means easy access to various water-related activities, such as swimming, fishing, and, of course, boating. These properties become a year-round playground for those who love the outdoors.
  3. Investment Potential: Waterside properties often appreciate in value, making them attractive for real estate investors. The combination of location and the allure of waterfront living can lead to solid returns.

Boating as a Selling Point

photo of people riding power boat

Boating, in particular, plays a pivotal role in marketing and selling waterside real estate in vacation cities — some of those might have even been featured in GetMyBoat’s recent ranking of the top boating destinations nationwide; a nice selling point! Here are some key reasons why it is such a significant selling point:

  1. Lifestyle Appeal: Boating is synonymous with a relaxed and luxurious lifestyle. Potential buyers are often drawn to the idea of owning a property that comes with a dock or direct access to a marina, allowing them to step out of their home and onto their boat.
  2. Waterfront Access: Boating enthusiasts can dock their vessels just steps away from their front door. This convenience is a significant selling point for those who cherish waterborne activities.
  3. Exploring Opportunities: Buyers of waterside properties can explore new horizons and discover hidden gems in vacation cities, thanks to boating. The ability to set sail and explore the surrounding waterways adds a sense of adventure to everyday life.
  4. Community and Networking: Many waterfront communities in vacation cities have active boating communities. Residents often participate in local boating clubs and events, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Marketing Waterside Properties with Boating in Mind

people on beach during daytime

To successfully sell real estate in vacation cities with boating as a selling point, sellers and real estate agents should consider the following strategies:

  1. Highlight Waterfront Features: Emphasize the waterfront features of the property, including dock access, proximity to marinas, and any additional amenities such as boat lifts and storage.
  2. Showcase Lifestyle: Paint a vivid picture of the boating lifestyle the property offers. Use high-quality images and videos that capture the beauty of the location and the joy of boating.
  3. Local Knowledge: Real estate agents with local boating knowledge can be instrumental in guiding potential buyers, showcasing popular boating destinations, and explaining the community’s boating culture.
  4. Networking: Connect with local boating clubs, marinas, and enthusiasts to tap into potential buyers who are passionate about boating and water-based activities.

Wrapping it Up

Selling real estate in vacation cities with proximity to water, especially when boating is a central attraction, offers unique opportunities for both buyers and sellers. Waterside properties provide a lifestyle that combines natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and the allure of boating.

If you’re considering buying or selling a vacation home in a picturesque waterfront location, embracing the world of boating can significantly enhance your real estate experience.

Whether you’re seeking tranquility, adventure, or investment returns, waterside properties and boating are a perfect match for those who desire a special connection with the water.

3 Renovation Ideas for Expensive Real Estate Markets

1000 500 Sam Radbil

When renovating a house, it’s important to slightly mirror the styles that other homes have throughout the neighborhood. In expensive real estate markets, it is common to see extremely high-end, luxurious homes with custom renovations throughout the property. Sometimes, maintaining a home in an expensive market can feel like keeping up with the Joneses. There is pressure to have perfect feng shui at all times. Additionally, if your home doesn’t keep up with the high-end style of your neighbors, you may have trouble selling your house in the future, because it will be overshadowed by the others.

To alleviate the pressure, here are 3 renovation ideas that you can implement today when owning a house in an expensive real estate market.

New Fireplace

A fireplace acts as the heart of certain living rooms. If the fireplace is outdated, it can quickly decrease the appeal to a room. To keep up with the luxurious neighborhood that your property sits in, consider adding a new fireplace. In expensive real estate markets, such as Southern California, most high-end homes have fireplaces even though it doesn’t get cold there. A nice fireplace adds value to a home and makes it easier to sell in the future.

fire burning on fireplace

You can travel as far south as Chula Vista, CA and still find stunning fireplaces in homes. Even if the fireplaces aren’t used by the residents, almost every home will have one. Certain larger homes will have multiple fireplaces! By adding a new fire, you can sell your house faster than you’d expect. You can view these helpful tips on how to sell a house fast in Chula Vista, CA. Creative renovation ideas, like adding a fireplace, help homes sell quicker than ones that are missing one.

Window Wall

Across many expensive real estate markets, you’ll find large houses in the hills with killer views. What better way to enjoy the magnificent view than through huge windows? Windows aren’t a cheap renovation but will add value to your property if there’s a great view that comes with it. Consider adding windows that will act as the entire wall for part of the house.

beige couch and armchair

Does your home have a view of the ocean or the mountains? Take advantage of that by adding wall-sized windows to a room that you spend time in. This will allow you to enjoy your property and generate a higher sale price whenever you plan to sell. You can use this tool to determine how much your house is worth after doing certain renovations. Again, remember that you must try to (slightly) mirror what other homeowners are doing in the area before committing to certain renovation ideas.

Front Door

While it’s still possible to sell a house without making repairs in an expensive market, they surely make it easier. For those that want to add a luxurious flair to their home without spending money on expensive window walls, consider adding a custom front door. There are various types of materials, colors, shapes, and sizes that you can choose from when adding a new front door to your home. This is one of the first things that people see when looking at your home from the outside.

If your property is situated in an expensive real estate market, it’s worth investing in a high-quality front door. A front door provides the first impression to potential buyers when they walk into your house. For homeowners that want an easy home sale in the future, adding a new front door will help. When adding a new front door as your next home renovation, make sure that it matches the style of the rest of your property.

3 Indisputable Reasons to Sell Your House As-Is

1000 500 Taylor Witt

If you’re considering selling your house as-is but are worried that it won’t meet the standard of other homes on the market, don’t be. While it’s a fair concern, you don’t need to break the bank or waste precious time crafting a move-in-ready property to sell. Sometimes, selling your house as it is right now is the best decision. There are cash buyers and investors that typically don’t require repairs to be completed before closing. You can learn more about how to sell a house for cash here. Cash buyers typically make the real estate process simpler, which will save you both time and money when you begin the selling process.

Below, you’ll find three wholly indisputable reasons you should sell your home as-is.

Advantages of a Cash Offer

Many home sellers prefer to work with cash buyers because the transaction is unlikely to fall apart. They have the money required to purchase your house outright without needing to find financing, limiting the likelihood of anything going wrong. If investors are interested in your property and are offering a price you’re happy with, selling your house as-is can be as near to perfect as possible. Granted, the overall sale price may be lower than if you were to complete repairs, but you’ll save yourself the hassle and be able to move on to the next chapter of your life.

100 US dollar banknote

After all, selling homes can be emotional. Relieving yourself from that burden with a cash buyer can be one of the best things you’ll do for your mental health. We Buy Houses in Denver, a professional homebuyer, stated “We oftentimes have sellers reach out to us because they’re having trouble selling their properties on the market. Typically, we can come up with some kind of offer that makes sense for their timeline.” Readers can view the homebuying strategy that We Buy Houses in Denver uses here Selling your house to a credible homebuyer in your town can remove tons of stress from the transaction.

Save Time and Money

Whether you’re moving across the country, need a quick influx of money, or simply want to spend as little time on the market as possible, an as-is sale is a great option. You can’t beat its speed. Renovations require time and patience — two things you won’t have if you’re eager to get moving. Selling your house as-is ensures you can put it on the market almost instantly. Another challenge of conducting repairs is the nasty surprises they can uncover. Often, there will be more damage than you previously knew. For example, what starts off as just replacing a sink can turn into severe water damage.

round Timex analog clock at 2:33

Shocks like that won’t just set your moving date back; it’ll cost you exorbitant amounts of money.

Meaningful repairs aren’t cheap, and the last thing you want to do is break the bank fixing a property you won’t get to enjoy in the first place. Furthermore, you want to make a return on your investment. Is there more value in knocking some dollars off the asking price or replacing the roof? Chances are it’s the former.

You Don’t Have a Mortgage On The Property

If you’ve inherited your house or have repaid your mortgage and no longer wish to own it, selling it as-is can be a great way to obtain a cash windfall. Or you can search for “house flippers near me” to see who can help you make some changes! You’ll likely make a nice profit without upgrading appliances, fixing loose tiles, or doing other renovations, especially if the property values in your area have shot up since you purchased.

How To Reduce Your Building Operations Costs

1000 500 Taylor Witt

Commercial property owners can reduce their building operating costs in a variety of ways. These costs may include real estate taxes, insurance premiums, utilities, maintenance of the building’s infrastructure, such as its HVAC and other systems, repairs, remodeling, or payments to contractors that assist with the building’s maintenance and operation. 

Renegotiating contracts, shifting certain costs to renters, employing professional tax accountants, investing in infrastructure, and other strategies can all help cut costs.

A competent property manager will examine all of a building’s costs to find areas where money can be saved. A building owner might find numerous methods to save money by using a building automation system (BAS).

In reality, a BAS with analytics and intelligence has the capacity to continuously gather data from linked smart devices and identify patterns using machine learning. 

Once the expenses associated with lighting, heating, cooling, water use, and other aspects of a building’s operations are understood, some of these costs can be included in lease agreements, reduced by investing in infrastructure that reduces costs, or a mix of the two.

Depending on the assumed lifespan of the structure, initial costs make up only 10–20% of the entire cost. Government and institutional structures have longer lifespans than privately held buildings.

Over the course of the building’s lifespan, upkeep, operation, and component refurbishment/replacement account for an incredible 80–90% of the remaining costs. If you ignore this significant chunk of costs, you risk losing money.

Reducing your operating expenses

Building operations costs can be a significant expense for any organization, but there are ways to reduce these costs without compromising the quality or function of your building. Here are some tips on how to reduce your building operations costs:

  • Review your current expenses and identify areas where you can save money.
  • Evaluate your current building management company and see if there are ways to reduce their fees.
  • Review your utilities expenses and look for ways to reduce energy consumption.
  • Implement a preventive maintenance program to avoid costly repairs down the road.
  • Work with your team to identify any potential cost-saving measures.


The electricity bill is one of the major running expenses that is typical in building operating costs. The first method involved is careful utilization of electricity. This requires turning off lights when not in use, utilizing as much natural light as possible during the day, and turning off all electronic equipment before leaving the office or building. 

Make sure to replace all old bulbs with energy-saving ones, and only buy energy-efficient equipment when it is time to replace or resupply.

Even while there are techniques to reduce your energy usage with any elevator, installing a brand-new lift system is the most straightforward solution. Upgrade to a newer, more energy-efficient lift model if your current one is old or not functioning properly.


In a residential building, small changes adopted from household energy ideas can have a big impact. For instance, louvered shutters, roof vents, or solar screening can all be used to control natural sunlight and solar heat.

Check for leaks, gaps for sealing, and insulation in windows, doors, garage bays, and air ducts.

Preventative maintenance

Over time, reactive maintenance typically costs more than preventive maintenance. Facilities will begin to cut their operational costs in these areas when they adopt technology and solutions to get them out of crisis or reactionary situations.

Maintaining a safe and dependable lift requires a preventative strategy and regular maintenance. It’s also critical to keep in mind that the cost of routine maintenance is typically significantly lower than the cost of fixing a lift that has malfunctioned or caused an accident.

Maintain heating systems

Maintaining your HVAC system, whether it’s a little one or a big direct-fired heater, is crucial. Efficiency greatly benefits from keeping internal parts clean and in good condition. Catching wear early enough to prevent a break can mean the difference between a minor repair and an emergency frozen structure.

If your HVAC equipment needs maintenance or repairs, get in touch with the experts and let them know what you need done. Make sure to look for a business that is based close to where you reside.

Find and seal leaks

Finding air leaks can be done with the aid of pressurization testing, thermal cameras, and visual examinations. It is frequently sufficient to use caulk, various door weather seal techniques, and weather stripping to close even somewhat considerable air leaks around drafty doors and windows.

Due to wear and tear or bad design, truck bays, doors, and roof vents may have inadequate seals or no seals at all. Make sure to maintain these areas and look for choices that do incorporate insulation. Think about using roof vent dampers that can be closed when the discharge of smoke isn’t an issue or when you want to keep the heat inside the building.

Best initiatives to reduce operating costs

One of the strongest areas to concentrate on to lower the TOC of buildings, particularly during significant renovations or new construction, may be green initiatives.

Today, there are numerous renewable energy sources, including solar and wind energy as well as geothermal heating possibilities. A building can also be made to be more energy-efficient by using high-quality insulation, windows, doors, and construction materials. These selections will ultimately lower your TOC and are both politically and socially acceptable.

TOC can be decreased by implementing maintenance procedures and technologies that help your facility shift from a predominately emergency maintenance focus to one that embraces predictive maintenance

Final thoughts

Saving money on operating costs is important for any facility, but it’s also important to think about the long-term impact of energy usage and maintenance. Implementing green initiatives and preventive maintenance can not only lower TOC in the present, but it can also set up a building for success in the future. 

Keep these tips in mind as you work towards a more efficient, cost-effective facility.

property management tips

How Does Commercial Property Management Work?

1000 500 Taylor Witt

For investors, commercial real estate offers the possibility of some capital growth as well as rental income. Compared to residential real estate, investing in commercial real estate typically demands more knowledge and capital from investors. Colorado hoa management companies have a lot of knowledge around properly running commercial property management.

Individuals can effectively engage indirectly in publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs).

What Is Commercial Real Estate (CRE)?

Commercial real estate (CRE) is land only used for business-related activities or to offer a workspace, as opposed to being utilized as a residence, which would fall under the residential real estate category. Most frequently, renters lease commercial properties to businesses, ranging from large shopping malls to single storefronts.

Commercial real estate has enjoyed a high level of investor interest in recent years, especially among institutional investors. Statista estimates that the sector generates over 30 trillion dollars worldwide revenue annually. The EMEA area (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) is the largest market for commercial real estate, accounting for one-third of the projected size of the global industry.

The Basics of Commercial Real Estate

The two main types of real estate property are commercial real estate and residential real estate. Residential properties are those set aside for occupancy by people rather than for commercial or industrial purposes. 

Commercial real estate, as the name suggests, is used in business, and multi-unit rental properties that are homes for tenants are regarded as the landlord’s commercial activity. 

Depending on its use, commercial real estate is often divided into four classes:

Office space

Urban and suburban office buildings can often be divided into two categories. Skyscrapers and other high-rise structures used as urban office buildings can be found in cities; some have a size of up to a few million square feet. Office buildings in the suburbs are frequently smaller and arranged in office parks.

Industrial use

Most industrial buildings are found outside of metropolitan areas, particularly along important transportation corridors, where they contain industrial operations for various tenants. Industrial parks can also be created out of low-rise structures.

Multifamily rental

All residential real estate types besides single-family homes are included in the multifamily sector, including apartments, condos, co-ops, and townhomes.


Properties that house the shops and eateries we frequently visit are classified as retail. They may be multi-tenant (typically with an anchor, or main tenant, who helps draw traffic to the site), or they may be independent single-use structures.

Managing Commercial Real Estate

Large commercial real estate properties require thorough and consistent maintenance to keep their value. Commercial real estate managers are the professionals who ensure your commercial properties remain in excellent condition while you find someone willing to buy or lease the property. 

In addition, they help link property owners with finding, managing, and keeping tenants, supervising leases and financing alternatives, and coordinating maintenance and marketability of the property.

Top Strategies for Finding a Good Property Manager

  • Request recommendations from friends and coworkers.

An excellent place to start your search for property management is by speaking with people you already know and trust. Ask around among property owners, realtors, acquaintances, alums from your alma mater, real estate investors, and contractors.

  • Online resources for property managers

The following action is to conduct online research. You can research potential property managers and come up with unique names.

  • View Their Estates.

Examining property management on-site might be a fantastic approach to judging them. If there is trash or debris on the property or nearby, it is a warning sign, and you should look out for any visible repairs that are required.

  • Conduct Several Interviews.

To locate the ideal manager for your property, you should conduct in-person interviews with several candidates.

  • Verify licenses and credentials.

To show vacant flats, most states require that property managers or management firms possess a real estate broker’s license or a property management license.

  • Recognize the terms of the management contract.

Before signing a management agreement, be sure you comprehend its contents because it is a legally binding contract between you and the property manager.

The Importance of Good Property Management

  1. Return On Investment (ROI)

A competent property manager understands how to increase the rental yields on your investment property. Your property will produce a better return on investment if you have a suitable rental income. When the hiring property manager works for you, your property portfolio will run like a well-oiled engine.

  1. Improving The Quality of Life of Others

To purchase, rent, and move. They can all be difficult for people. Good property management considerably improves the quality of life for tenants.

  1. Safety For All

The security of neighboring renters is guaranteed by good property management. You are in charge of reviewing applications and preventing any shady renters from signing a lease.

  1. Proper Planning

Property management that is done well looks fantastic now and in the future. To maintain the portfolio’s strong financial performance, a property manager should manage it with common sense.

  1. Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Effective property management depends largely on one’s capacity to build and maintain positive relationships. It’s crucial to be able to connect and build strong relationships with both the tenant they are in charge of and the real estate investor for whom they work.

How Commercial Real Estate Investors Can Make Profit

Commercial real estate investments have the potential to be profitable and act as a buffer against stock market volatility. The majority of returns for investors come from tenant rents. However, they can profit from property appreciation when they sell.

Direct Investment 

The greatest candidates for direct investments in commercial real estate are individuals who either possess substantial industry knowledge or have access to firms that do.

Indirect Investment

As an alternative, investors can make indirect investments in the commercial market by owning various market securities.

This includes real estate investment trusts (REITs) or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in stocks related to commercial real estate or by making investments in businesses that serve the commercial real estate market, like banks and realtors.

Advantages of Commercial real estate 

Attractive leasing rates are one of the main advantages of commercial real estate. The following are the advantages of commercial real estate;

  • Income potential. 

The earning potential is the best justification for choosing commercial rentals over residential ones.

  • Professional relationships.

Small business owners frequently take great interest in their enterprises and wish to safeguard their financial security.

  • Public eye on the property. 

Retail tenants have a stake in keeping their establishments in good condition because doing otherwise will hurt their bottom line.

  • Limited hours of operation. 

Most companies close up shop at night. That is to say, you are employed when they are. You should be able to rest without worrying about receiving a midnight call because a tenant needs repairs or has lost a key, barring emergency calls like fire alarms or break-ins.

  • More objective price evaluations. 

Since you can ask for the current owner’s income statement and figure out what the price should be based on that, evaluating commercial property pricing is frequently simpler than residential property.

  • Triple net leases. 

Although there are certain modifications to triple net leases, the fundamental idea is that the property owner is exempt from paying property expenses (as would be the case with residential real estate).

  • More flexibility in lease terms. 

Contrary to the dozens of state statutes that apply to residential real estate, such as security deposit caps and termination guidelines, fewer consumer protection laws apply to business leases.

Disadvantages of Commercial Real Estate

While there are many advantages to investing in commercial property versus residential, there are also drawbacks.

  • Time commitment. 

You have more to handle than a residential property if you own a commercial retail complex with five tenants or just a couple.

  • Professional help is required. 

If you plan to manage maintenance concerns at a commercial facility, you need to be licensed, even if you are a do-it-yourselfer.

  • More risks. 

Commercially zoned properties receive increased daily foot traffic from the general public, which increases the risk of accidents and property damage.

  • Bigger initial investment. 

It’s frequently harder to get your foot in the door when buying a commercial property because it typically demands more money up front than buying a residential rental in the same neighborhood.

What distinguishes residential from commercial real estate? 

Private dwelling quarters are the only use for residential real estate. This is basically what individuals use as their abode or place of rest.

All real estate used for commercial purposes is referred to as commercial real estate and is used as public facilities where people produce services or easily access deliverables.

Commercial real estate may include Hospitals, manufacturing facilities, storage facilities, retail establishments, office buildings, and any other place for a business organization are examples of commercial real estate. 

Is it possible to earn valuable profits from investing in commercial real estate?

It is possible. Impressive returns and sizable monthly cash flows are possible in commercial real estate, and returns held up well during the market shocks of the previous ten years. Commercial real estate does, however, carry hazards, just like any other investment.

Commercial real estate investing can yield substantial profits, but it typically demands more skill and capital from investors than does residential real estate. 

Without having a technical understanding of the industry, anybody can indirectly invest in commercial real estate through publicly traded REITs.

property management tips

Top 5 Risks of Allowing Tenants to Sublet

1000 500 Taylor Witt

In real estate, when you buy a house, you pay for the property, sign a standard purchase and sales agreement, and receive the deed for the land. It’s impossible for anyone to sub-buy the same property, making the transaction straightforward. However, leasing an apartment comes with a lot more flexibility and questions. One of which is the issue of subleases. A sublease is when a current tenant lets all or part of the property to a third party known as a subtenant. Although it is primarily an agreement between the renter and their subtenant, the landlord must give proper authorization.

Are you a landlord debating the pros and cons of subletting? Stick around because we’ll discuss the top 5 risks of allowing tenants to sublet in this article. 

Top 5 Risks of Subleasing

  • No Official Agreement

The most significant risk of allowing your tenant to sublease is that there’s no formal agreement between you and the renter they’re bringing into your property. This problem alone presents several legal and contractual issues that might be a pain to resolve down the line. For example, if something breaks in the house, who pays for it? Such variables are inevitable once you allow subletting. Thus, reviewing your lease agreement with an experienced property manager would be best.

  • You Can’t Screen Subtenants

Experts highly recommend screening your tenants before signing a lease with them. A thorough screening process allows you to identify high-quality candidates and stay away from difficult or ineligible applicants. However, when you agree to a sublease, you give up that control. Thus, you can’t say with certainty if the person living on your property is reliable or not. 

  • Higher Risk for Property Damage

As a result of the reduced scrutiny, you also expose yourself to a higher risk of property damage. If your tenant doesn’t perform their due diligence, you could be letting a problematic renter on your premises. A careless or destructive tenant would rack up your expenses, and mediating such a situation would be difficult. 

  • Insurance Policy May Not Cover It

Insurance policies are often strict on what they cover, and many do not make provisions for subleases. Even if you insist on tenant insurance, it might be hard to enforce such a policy on the person you sublet to. Thus, that leaves you with more exposure in the event of a fire, flood, or other significant damage. 

  • Evicting a Tenant Can be Difficult

If the arrangement doesn’t work out and you decide to call it quits, you might find it challenging to end the lease. Evicting a legal tenant is a lengthy legal process, but removing a subletter is even more complex. Thus, reclaiming your property could be challenging, leaving you in an unpleasant situation. 

Pros and Cons of Allowing Tenants to Sublet


  • No Vacancy

It’s only appropriate for landlords to ask what is subletting and how it benefits me? One of the significant advantages of making provisions for a subtenant is that you don’t have to worry about vacancies. Instead of prematurely ending a lease with a tenant because they’re out of state, they can find someone else to take care of the rent. That relieves you of the time and money to find a replacement.

  • Consistent Cash Flow

An absence of vacancies means your property is generating rent. Whether it’s a short-term lease where the subtenant is only staying temporarily or a long-term one that’s a complete replacement, your cash flow remains consistent. 

  • Less Stress

Allowing a subtenant can also mean less stress for you. The original tenant has to assume responsibility for the renter they bring in, which shifts some of the burdens from you. 


  • Rent Collection

Allowing a subtenant into the equation can sometimes introduce a middle man in the rent collection process. Any delay will inevitably become an inconvenience for you. 

  • Increased Expenses

Giving your tenant permission to sublet can also increase your expenses. If you’re currently responsible for paying utilities such as water, gas, and electricity, you can expect the bills to go up with another person on the property. 

  • Reduced Scrutiny

As we highlighted earlier, you can’t screen a subtenant. That reduced scrutiny creates uncertainties about the person’s ability to pay rent promptly and maintain the property. Besides, it could also mean more noise-related issues that make your other tenants complain.

Adding Sublet Clause to the Rental Agreement

After weighing the pros and cons, you might decide that subleasing isn’t bad. However, whether you decide to allow it or not, it is best to include a sublet clause in your rental agreement. Doing so protects owners from future problems like property damage or non-rent payment. 

If you choose to not allow subletting in your rental, the rental agreement must clearly state this. In addition, clarify any potential consequences tenants could face if they sublet without your permission. 

If you decide to accept subletting, be sure to list any special requirements or terms. In most cases, landlords will agree to sublet only when they can still screen the prospective renter and sign a binding agreement. 

Either way, you must then ensure that everyone receives a copy of the agreement and understands it is legally binding. 


The issue of subleasing comes with several pros and cons for property owners. On one side of the court, it guarantees a consistent income flow. It also means you don’t have to search for a new tenant or conduct a tedious rental screening process. On the other hand, reduced scrutiny could result in more tenant damage and less coverage for your property. Hence, it’s easy to understand why some landlords are against subleasing. 

However, proper planning is vital if you decide to proceed with such an arrangement. Draw up a document that includes all parties’ names, signatures, and terms of the sublease. Also, remember to add a section for security deposits to protect your property. If you need professional help, feel free to contact a reliable property management company that can oversee such details. 

property management tips

7 Tips for Effective Property Management in 2022

1000 500 Taylor Witt

Property managers are jacks of all trades. From screening tenants to addressing concerns and managing maintenance, there are no two days alike in the life of a property manager.

The past year has introduced new challenges in areas like social distancing, sanitation, and higher delinquency rates for unpaid rent. Here are some property management tips in 2022 to help you navigate a post-COVID-19 world.

The information below might also be very useful to those property managers who run businesses around full-time rentals for vacationers, travelers, and those frequently using VRBO or Airbnb. We know the world has been shut down for a few years, but with new surveys showing that travelers and vacationers are back in the air and making their way to new cities across America, it’s important to prepare your rental for what could be the return of travel in 2022 and moving forward.

Communication is Key

selective focus photography of person using smartphone

Communication is a crucial skill for a good property manager. Your role is to communicate with tenants to keep them up to date with new policies and simply to create a sense of community.

Keeping lines of communication open also gives tenants an opportunity to express their concerns or submit complaints. Listening to concerns and suggestions for improvement is something that helps you provide more value for your tenants.

If there is one piece of property management advice in 2022 that you need to apply, it’s seeking new ways to communicate. Here are some options to explore:

  • Keep regular office hours so tenants know when and where they can find you.
  • Upgrade your bulletin board with a color-coded system to improve visibility.
  • Use social media to share updates and create a sense of community on digital platforms.
  • Create an email list or use text alerts to share important information.
  • Develop a set of best practices for handling conflicts and complaints.
  • Think about automating some communication. You can, for instance, use a digital platform to collect rent and send automated reminders.

Presentation is Everything

Tenants have different priorities in a post-COVID-19 world. You should prepare for new questions and concerns about things like cleaning, sanitation, and social distancing.

Remember that presentation is a key element for attracting new tenants and keeping current tenants satisfied. Look for ways to make the property look cleaner, and don’t hesitate to make sanitation efforts more visible to tenants.

Don’t neglect things like decor, art, or a fresh coat of paint to keep up with new home design trends and make units more appealing to potential tenants.

Get Your Listings Noticed

gray steel 3-door refrigerator near modular kitchen

Getting your listings noticed is one of the top property management tips in 2022. Here are some methods you can use to fill vacancies quickly:

  • Craft eye-catching titles that highlight the unique perks your property offers.
  • Hire a professional photographer to take high-quality photos of your property.
  • Keep your description short and straight to the point. Use bullet points and white space to help users who are on mobile read this content.
  • Update your listings to discuss new concerns and discuss the measures you’re taking to protect tenants from COVID-19.
  • Make your listing unique by using an engaging tone and letting your personality shine through.
  • Identify the best platforms for getting your listings in front of potential tenants. Ask how new tenants found your listing to get a better idea of which platforms generate the most leads.
  • You can create different versions of a listing and use A/B testing to see which title or which copy results in the most leads reaching out to you.

Create a Process for Screening Tenants

Screening tenants can reduce turnover and lower your delinquency rate. One of the most important property management tips in 2022 is to develop a well-documented process you can use to screen tenants.

Here are some of the steps to follow to screen tenants:

  • Ask the tenants to fill out an application. Include personal information, details about employment, and financial information.
  • Find out who will live with the applicant. These people are co-applicants and should pass a background check.
  • Obtain a written authorization to perform a background and credit check.
  • Ask for referrals, ideally from previous landlords. You should also contact the tenant’s employer.
  • Schedule an interview. Prepare a list of questions to get a better idea of the tenant’s personality and lifestyle.
  • It’s best to document this process so you can be consistent with the questions you ask. Fair Housing rules require you to treat every tenant equally.

Use Data for Better Property Management

graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

Data is a valuable tool for property management. It can give you better visibility over processes like marketing or customer satisfaction. Here are a few ideas for using data:

  • Invest in an analytics solution to monitor the results of your different marketing campaigns and calculate their ROI.
  • Track costs with accuracy. Reviewing costs linked to maintenance and other activities can help you spot areas where you could reduce spending.
  • You can use data to screen tenants. Look at some data points for tenants with the best longevity to figure out the ideal income requirement for your screening process.
  • Use qualitative data by creating a feedback survey. It’s a great way to assess whether tenants are satisfied with the property and identify areas that you need to improve.

It’s Time for a Skills Assessment

You’re no stranger to the fact that property managers need to possess a wide range of skills. With technology becoming more common in property management, it can be difficult to keep up with all the skills you need to master.

It’s time to perform a thorough assessment of your skills. Be honest with yourself and list the things you’re good at. Identify the areas where developing your skills would be useful and think about outsourcing some tasks so you can focus on the things you do best.

Document Everything

You need to develop an effective system for documenting all your activities. Documenting everything can come in handy in situations like legal proceedings, and having well-documented processes will make you more reactive when you need to adapt to a changing situation.

We recommend creating a detailed maintenance plan, a roadmap for growth, a tenant screening process, a tenant transfer policy, and a framework for dealing with delinquent tenants and evictions.

 If there are important tips for property management we learned from 2020, it’s that you need to turn sanitation into a well-documented process and have a go-to plan for possible future lockdowns.

Final Thoughts

These property management tips in 2022 will help you keep up with new trends and adapt to the new expectations and concerns of your tenants.